Research and outreach activities and deliverables that advance the GC3 mission are carried out through a series of smaller project groups. The projects for each year are decided at the Annual GC3 Roundtable based on suggestions by participants and members, and consultation with the GC3 Advisory Committee. The projects are facilitated by GC3 staff. The scope of the projects, timeline, and specific deliverables are developed by members of each project group. All GC3 members are encouraged to participate and take leadership in project groups.
The GC3 Retailer Leadership Council (RLC) leverages retailers’ knowledge of market drivers to signal the areas in which green chemistry innovations may have the greatest impact.
The GC3 Supply Chain Working Group (SCWG) assembles companies from all levels of the supply chain to identify and address the barriers that might limit their ability to develop or commercialize those alternatives.
As part of the Supply Chain Working Group (SCWG), the GC3 Circular Economy Project engages with the value chain to explore how green chemistry can support and amplify circular economy goals.
The GC3 Collaborative Innovation Program targets specific chemical functions, challenging the chemical product supply chain to develop viable green chemistry alternatives and bringing stakeholders together to address impediments to adoption.
The GC3 Startup Network shines a light on innovators with green chemistry solutions who are not yet known to the members of the commercial value chain, connecting these solvers to major strategic players.
The GC3’s efforts to drive safer, more sustainable chemistry forward are further bolstered by work of the GC3 Sustainable Chemistry Alliance, which advances supportive policy at the national level.
The aim of this project is to identify ways to make Green Chemistry synonymous with chemistry. The resulting Agenda for Mainstreaming Green Chemistry is an overarching framework to do so that includes key partnerships, policy needs, research, education, and investments.